Sunday, June 28, 2009

My Sunday

Today is better than the previous two days. They took me off the Valium and the Morphine dosage has been cut down considerably. I was able to eat solid food (mashed potatoes, turkey and cherry cobbler) for lunch. I was also able to drink fluids from a straw. They took the catheter out, Ouch. Still quite a bit sleepy, been trying to rest.


Anonymous said...

glad that you are doing better each day...our prayers and thoughts are with you always..take care and God bless..miss you

Mary said...

Thank you so much for the update! Glad you are making progress. We're all praying for you!

Kenny & Michelle said...

I heard St. Louis has really good cherry cobbler. Staccato and Legato came over yesterday to see us....they look great, but we told them to go straight home. Everyone misses Fick!

Anonymous said...

Stay strong, Ken. You're in our thoughts and prayers. You're a much braver man than I am -- I wouldn't have the backbone to do this. (Sorry, I probably shouldn't be making you laugh just yet, huh?) Glad to know things are going well.

"Miss Lucy" said...

Hi Kenny,

I am so happy that you are on the road to recovery. Thank God the surgery went well. My prayers are with you daily.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ken,like everyone else, I am happy that you are doing well. Now is the time to be strong. My prayers and best wishes are with you. Love Gail

KennyK said...

Just saw Legato and Staccato at the Pearl Street Brewery--drinking, playing pool, hitting on the ladies.....just like Fick.

Annie Wachob said...

I'm so glad to see that everything is going well. Thank you for blogging about the experience. It's wonderful to be reading about how you're doing, learning about the surgery, and laughing at your humorous commentary! Take care! You're in my thoughts and prayers!