Sunday, August 2, 2009

My Week 5

Well, things are slightly better today. My incision site pain that I aggravated has gotten a little better, yet still remains. Ironically, all who come in contact me comment that my appearance in terms of alignment has improved greatly, however, the pre-op pain in the back remains as does the numbness in my legs and feet. This was a rough week emotionally and physically as the two obviously go hand-in-hand for us all.

This week is the last week for restrictions of the motion of the spine. After this week, I hope that my increasing these ROMs (range of motions) will continue to bring me back to a better place physically and mentally. As I write this, I realize this is exactly why I started this blog for the prospective future patient. Honesty in moments like these.

My left side of my low back is now showing similar signs as my right. This is interesting to me, as if the body is trying to balance itself out somehow. Interesting, yet still frustrating. Despite these pains, I am still able to keep my daily regimen of home therapy and my outpatient PT appointments. In these moments of pain and weakness, I "offer them up" as a good catholic boy should! :) I also realize that things can always be worse. There was a story on the front page of the paper a few days back about a CP man who is wheelchair-bound who has a friend who has no limbs. This friend is able to build and work construction and is building a new, accessible house for his friend. Yeah, that was a good reality-check for me for my whining and impatience.

I think the initial back pain issues will have to be put on the back burner and dealt with later in the year once the surgical process has been completed in terms of therapy and healing. I hope to investigate ideas like injection therapy, etc. in the future.

Sitting for any length is most difficult these days as the spine is in a weakened posture with gravity pushing on it as well as my SI (sacro-illiac joints) being out of alignment. Obviously, I cannot yet see a chiropractor for usual adjustments, however, my home PT team is working hard to help in this area. Again, it's all about patience.

Muscle strengthening and stretching is now the focus. The body truly is so complicated and unique. Most low back pain is hard to diagnose an exact cause due to so many variables in the body. However, the gluteus muscles, piriformis, and hamstrings are usually always in the equation. These are the muscle groups I most focus on. Also, core stability and strength contributes greatly, so I try to do my crunches as best I can. Also, the upper body has made its own adjustments through the years to compensate for the lower. Muscle stretching to help with upper body movements are needed as well, as I walked with a guarded gait for so long. Basically, the upper body also walks very stiff-like and I need to learn to keep the upper body relaxed while walking. Teaching the upper body to relax while in motion is a very foreign concept to CP patients, as we instinctively guard ourselves from falls, etc. which may cause further injury.

We'll see what this next week brings! I still have a little over a month before work begins. My goal is still possible! I still am not back at my own home yet as I do not feel ready. Also, I am still using the walker--not because I can't walk without, but I am more likely to fall into old, bad, incorrect walking pattern habits. Hopefully, I will try driving later this week!

Til next time!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Ken!
I am quite impressed with both your progress and your profound understanding of medical terms and information. You are getting more intelligent in this process ; )

Stay patient!


Anonymous said...

Hi Ken....You are just doing amazing and what an awesome teacher you must be cos you have taught us all so much thru your process....
please let all know that you love and care for know when you will start driving
God Bless
All in due time my child....
love and hugs
barb and terry

Anonymous said...

Dear Kenny,

Glad to hear you're offering it up like a good Catholic boy cuz I secretly hope you're enduring it all for me... lol... not really... really!

Helping others with your blog is a wonderful gift you're giving... even in all your pain... which is strengthening the Kingdom of God!

Hangin' in there (when that's all you can do) is a very faith-filled attitude, dear one.

You are a magnificent child of God... and us humans love you too!

Aunt Pam

Anonymous said...

Hi son,
It's "school mom" again, keeping a loving eye on my boy. You're in my thoughts and prayers everyday. Keep doing what you're doing and I'm sure you will be rewarded. Dickie sends his best too. God bless you and keep you strong!
Love, Sharon

Anonymous said...

Ken - i have done injection therapy..its amazing....let me know when you are ready if you need a couple names....
God Bless